
Thursday, April 14, 2011


The Cat

I'm gone get rid of this cat.
All he do is eat and sleep,
Eat and sleep,
And scratch his neck.

I'm gone get rid of this cat.
He stays out all night,
Always losin' his fights,
Growls when fish ain't on the table,
Smells like he slept in a stable.

I'm gone get rid of this cat.
Brought me a bunch of kits, he did,
Left 'em on the garbage can lid.
He ain't good for nothin',
And the way he act,
Nothin' I give is good for him.
He stays sullen all day,
And when he do run his paw down my leg,
He rips to shreds my stockin'
Now what is this cat good for--Buryin' his head in my crotch,
Then off runnin'
Quicker than a rat trap springin'?

I'm gone get rid of this cat.
I take the 'nitiative
Like the book says,
I scratch his belly
And he buries his claws
To the bones im my fingers.

Yes, I gone get rid of this cat.

C. Harvey

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